duminică, 10 ianuarie 2010

Margele "matematice"


Inca nu m-am hotarat cum sa le numesc. In engleza, ele se numesc "beaded beads", dar traducerea "margele margelite" suna cam ciudat, nu?  Au fost unele din primele lucruri pe care le-am descoperit in materie de margelit, si inca sunt fascinata de ele. In principiu, o "margea matematica" reprezinta un grup de mai multe alte margele de diferite dimensiuni care alcatuiesc o forma tridimensionala, de preferinta simetrica, si sunt tinute intr-o structura solida doar prin firul dintre ele si pozitionarea lor (fara a trisa folosind sarma sau lipiciul).  Asta se potriveste perfect educatiei mele (arhitectura, geometrie, structuri...) dar si firii (incredibil, dar chiar mi-a placut matematica!)

Pagina cea mai minunata cu modele de margele matematice este www.beadinfinitum.com , creata de doua americance care sunt si... profesoare de matematica. Dintre modelele lor, cea in forma de sfera (denumita de ele "octhaedral cluster") este una din preferatele mele. Pe acea pagina de internet se vand instructiunile pentru a realiza aceste margele, dar... nici nu mi le permit si nici nu mi se pare atat de interesant. Prefer sa descopar eu secretul lor. Iar pentru acestea, prima data am avut nevoie sa realizez un model tridimensional pe calculator pentru a-mi da seama cum sunt facute!

Cuburile folosite in primul colier sunt oarecum o variatie a aceluiasi tip de margea.


In english, these are called "beaded beads" (which sounds rather strange in a romanian translation). I call them "math beads". They were one of the first things I found in beading, and I'm still fascinated by them. A "math bead" is a cluster of more beads of different shapes and sizes which make a solid 3-dimensional shape, and are connected only through the beading thread (without tricks like glue and wire). This fits perfectly with my education (architecture, geometry, various structures...) but also with my nature (incredibly, I was a girl who like mathematics!)

The most wonderful page presenting beaded beads is www.beadinfinitum.com, which bealongs to 2 american women, who are also... math teachers. Among their models, the sphere one (called by them "octhaedral cluster")  is one of my favourites. The instructions to make such beads are sold on that webpage; but unfortunately I can't afford them, and... it's more fun to find out their secret on my own. For these, the first time I had to make a 3-D computer model in order to understand them!

The cubes used in the first necklace are rather a variation of the same type of bead.

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