vineri, 5 martie 2010

Nu e cum se pregateste...

Cand am aflat ca tema lunii martie pe Etsy Beadweavers este "Basme", am fost foarte decisa: Frumoasa adormita (pentru ca in ultimele saptamani am ascultat de 25 de ori-conform ipodului meu-acest cantec: ) si Alphonse Mucha.

Curentul Art Nouveau este una din pasiunile mele, fiind extrem de decorativ; iar in cadrul acestuia, cehul Mucha a excelat prin reprezentarea de femei frumoase... si, oarecum, ireale. Ideale pentru o printesa adormita! Din pacate, cum sa o reprezint? Am petrecut 3 din cele 4 saptamani ale concursului incercand sa descopar asta; am pictat pe lemn, pe discuri de scoica (cercei reciclati), pe o piatra de aventurin; am prelucrat si am printat imaginea; am pictat peste print... am cumparat nenumarate vopsele, pensule, pixuri si cercei pe care as fi putut picta. Nici nu vreau sa stiu cat am cheltuit! Si nimic nu mi-a iesit. Prima imagine reprezinta ultima varianta la care am ajuns; aproape reusita, dar pur si simplu nu mergea cu margele!

Asa ca, in disperare de cauza, la inceputul saptamanii am luat un foarte frumos (si mare: 4,5 cm) cabochon de ametist si am inceput sa margelesc... o "flaming rose" care-si imprastie focul si pe latura stanga a colierului, si "mii de flori" inviind... sau cel putin atatea cat am avut timp sa fac. Si asa a rezultat colierul din cea de-a doua poza. Terminat in 5 zile, e probabil cel mai rapid colier pe care l-am facut vreodata; dar am muncit la el intr-o disperare. Imi place, dar mi-as fi dorit sa nu fie chiar asa...


When I found out that the Etsy Beadweavers challenge for March is "Fairy Tales", I knew very soon what I wanted to do: the Sleeping Beauty (because of this song-which I listened for 25 times in the last weeks, according to my ipod: ) and Alphonse Mucha.

The Art Nouveau style is one of my passions, as it's extremely decorative; and representing Art Nouveau, the czech Mucha had designed countless images of beautiful women... and somehow unreal. Ideal for a sleeping princess! Unfortunately, I didn't know how to create it... I spent 3 out of the 4 weeks of the contest trying to figure this out; I painted on wood, on seashell discs (recycled earrings) and even on an aventurine stone. I photoshopped and printed the image; I painted over the print... I bought countless paints, paintbrushes, pencils, and earrings on which I could paint. I don't even want to know how much I spent during this time! And nothing came out. The first image is the last "princess" I painted; almost good, but it simply didn't work with beads.

So, out of despair, at the end of the week I totally changed my approach, I got a large (4.5cm) and beautiful amethyst cabochon and I started beading around it... a "flaming rose" that spreads it's fire up on the rope on the left side of the necklace and "a million flowers" coming alive on the right side... or at least as many as I had the time to make! And this is how the necklace in the second photo was created. Finished in 5 days, it's probably the fastest necklace I ever made; but they were 5 days of crazy work. I like it, but it's not exactly how I wanted it...