luni, 20 iulie 2009

Floare de zapada

La targul de la Muzeul de Geologie din Noaptea Muzeelor am gasit (in afara de un balamuc incredibil)  aceasta floare din scoica... si a trebuit imediat sa fac o spirala de care sa o agat.


At the fair from the Geology Museum on the Night of the Open Museums I found (besides a terrible crowd and agitation) this shell flower... and I just had to make a spiral for it.

Comorile verii

"Margele margelite" din nou... Sunt de toate in colierul acesta: cristale albastre taiate din doua coliere din Praga, margele de tip "ochi de pisica", discuri din sticla de Murano, margele verzi de tip "crackled", margele de plastic... 


"Beaded beads" again. There is everything in this necklace: blue crystals I cut off from two necklaces bought in Prague, cat-eye beads, some pretty interesting Murano glass disks, green crackled beads, plastic beads...

Miere topita

Ultimul colier pe care l-am terminat... Una din tehnicile mele preferate; ceea ce se numeste in engleza "margele margelite": margele mari alcatuite din numeroase margele mici, tinute impreuna numai prin tensiunea firului.

Culoarea dominanta e galbenul luminos al bilutelor de citrin-carora le-am adaugat cristale, perlute de plastic, margelute negre si aurii, si margele mari de sticla (intr-o forma destul de deosebita!) in aceeasi nuanta.


Last necklace I finished... One of my favourite techniques, "beaded beads": big beads made out of many small ones, held together only by the plastic thread.

Main colour is the gold of the citrine small balls, to which I added crystals, plastic pearls, seed beads in black and gold, and large glass beads in the same shade (with a pretty special shape!)


"Sunt oameni care viseaza cu raurile
  ce te duc la El Dorado.
  Sunt aceia care viseaza la fantanile
  Tineretii Eterne.
  Si cei care viseaza la Alchimia
  care face din viciu, virtute...

  Dar eu nu pretind
  nici noroace nici averi
  Doar un vis as visa.
  Intr-o mare de floarea-soarelui
  as cauta o floare-a-lunii,
  care sa dezvaluie si invaluie
  in fiecare noapte alta fata
  a lunii..."


E inceputul unui cantec-original in spaniola-al lui Luis Eduardo Aute (traducerea mea, asa ca e aproximativa).

(cantecul intreg aici: )

Recunosc ca nu prea ma omor dupa bloguri. Mi-e greu sa scriu o scrisoare cu adresant necunoscut. Dar pe de alta parte, multi oameni mi-au spus sa prezint bijuteriile pe care le fac. Si un prieten mi-a dat ideea ca blogul ar fi o metoda. Asa ca... iata-ma-s. 

Care e legatura cu "giraluna"? (in afara de faptul ca imi place cantecul) Sunt atatia, inspaimantator de multi oameni pe lumea asta. Si sunt destui care insira si margele! Poate ca nu sunt unica, dar asta e ceea ce continui sa incerc in tot ceea ce fac, indiferent cat de mult timp si efort mi-ar lua. Intr-o mare de floarea-soarelui, incerc sa fiu o floare-a-lunii (si-din fericire, sau din pacate, este ceea ce sunt destul de des si in viata).


"There are people who dream
of the rivers that lead to El Dorado.
There are people who dream of the fountains
of the eternal youth.
And those who dream of the alchemy
that makes virtue out of vice.
But I don't pretend
neither luck not fortune
Just a dream I'd dream...
In a sea of sunflowers,
I'd be searching for a moonflower
Who un-veils and reveals
every night another face
of the moon..."


That's the beginning of a song-originally in spanish-of Luis Eduardo Aute (translation belongs to me, so I won't swear for it!)

I admit I'm not crazy about blogs. I find it hard to write a letter with destination unknown. But on the other hand, many people had told me to show the jewelries that I make. And a friend told me that the blog might be a way. So here I am...

Which is the connection with "giraluna"? (besides the fact that I really like the song) There are so many people on this world that it's scary. And there are enough interested in beads, too! Maybe I'm not unique, but this what I keep trying in everything I do, no matter how much time and effort that takes. In a sea of sunflowers, I try to be a moonflower (and fortunately-or unfortunately-it is what I oftenly happen to be in life, too).