sâmbătă, 9 ianuarie 2010

Dantela albastra

Inca un colier albastru... Tehnica cu care a fost realizat acest colier e destul de simpla (mai ales tinand seama cat de frumos e rezultatul) si se numeste "oglala".  Ceea ce nu inseamna ca nu e consumatoare de timp! Eram destul de aproape de a tipa cand am terminat colierul. In mod ciudat, am mai multa rabdare cu lucrurile complicate, decat cu cele care sunt oarecum repetitive.


Another blue necklace... The technique used in this necklace is rather simple (especially considering the beauty of the result) and it's called "oglala stitch". Which doesn't mean it's not time-consumming! I was pretty close to the screaming point when I finished the necklace. Strangely, I have more patience with complicated things than with the ones that repeat themselves (somehow).

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