miercuri, 30 iunie 2010

Garden of wishes


Acest colier a fost creat pentru doua concursuri simultan: Visul unei nopti de vara (Clubul Designerilor de bijuterii) si Gradina Secreta (Etsy). 

Gradina in care imi doresc sa fiu este pe malul marii. E tesuta din valuri unduitoare, mai albastre decat visele, marginita de case atat de albe ca par fara varsta, si impodobita cu stele. 
E locul in care imi imaginez fericirea absoluta, care nu poate insemna decat doua lucruri: sa fii iubita, si sa fii inconjurata de Frumos. Si e locul care imi aduce si cea mai mare tristete, pentru ca stiu ca nu pot ajunge acolo decat in imaginatia mea. 
Datorita viselor legate de el, acest colier imi este extrem de drag, si am muncit zeci de ore pentru el. 
E tesut in intregime din margele de nisip Toho, adaugate una cate una, in principal in tehnica right-angle-weave. Pentru a-i da stralucire am adaugat perle de cultura, cristale cehesti, flori alcatuite din picaturi de sticla, margele tip ochi-de-pisica in forma de stelute, si pandantivul dintr-o piatra alb-albastra semitransparenta care recunosc ca nu stiu ce e... desi aduce cu un cuart prin "sparturile" din textura.

This necklace was designed for 2 competitions in the same time: A summer's night dream (a romanian competition) and Secret Garden (on Etsy).

The garden where I wish to be is situated on the edge of the sea. It's woven out of gentle waves, bluer than the dreams themselves, edged by houses so white that they seem timeless, and decorated with stars. 

It is the place where I imagine Happiness, that for me can mean just two things: to be loved, and to be surrounded by Beauty. And it is the place that brings me the most sadness, because I know I can only ever reach it in my imagination.

Due to the dreams woven into it, this necklace is extremely dear to me, and I worked a good number of hours for it. It is fully woven out of Toho seed beads, one by one, mostly in  the RAW technique. To give it sparkle, I added pearls, czech crystals, flowers made out of drop glass beads, star-shaped cat-eye beads, and the stone pendant which I admit I don't know what it is... even though it looks like a quartz because of its texture.


luni, 21 iunie 2010

Ceva mic


O pereche de cercei pe care imi doaresc de mult sa-i fac, dar abia acum am facut rost de niste picaturi de sticla cehesti adecvate. Creati de Gwen Fisher cu minunatul site Beadinfinitum; doar ca ai ei erau roz si delicati, iar ai mei sunt rosii si... apetisanti! Nu ma asteptam ca schimbarea de culoare sa creeze o atat de mare diferenta.


A pair of earrings that I've been wanting for a long time to make, but only now I managed to get the necessary czech teardrops. Created by Gwen Fisher from the wonderful Beadinfinitum site; just that hers were pink and delicate and mine are red and... tasty! I didn't expect that the colour change would cause such a great difference.

vineri, 18 iunie 2010

Alta bratara violet

...de data aceasta in nuante ceva mai puternice. O comanda care imbina o bucata dintr-o bratara existenta cu o tesatura din margele Toho si cristale de Boemia. Si sunt extrem de multumita ca se potrivesc!


Stronger purple shades this time. A custom order that combines a piece of an older bracelet with a network of Toho seed beads and czech crystals. I'm extremely satisfied with the way they fit!

joi, 17 iunie 2010





O beneficiara extrem de fidela (mi-a cumparat jumatate din magazin!) mi-a cerut sa-i realizez un colier asemanator cu cel al lui Audrey Hepburn din Breakfast la Tifany's (ultima poza)-dar nu atat de pe langa gat. Bineinteles ca nu am putut refuza... dar inca nu ma decid daca imi place sau urasc rezultatul. Si asta dupa foarte multe ore de munca... In orice caz nu este stilul meu obisnuit! Colierul este realizat din aproximativ o tona (ok, poate doar un kilogram) de chipsuri de onix si de perle albe de cultura.


Someone who had already bought about half of my shop asked me to do for her a special necklace: something similar with what Audrey Hepburn was wearing in Breakfast at Tiffany's (last photo), but not so tight around the neck. Of course I couldn't refuse her... but I'm still not decided if I like it or simply hate it! And that after a lot of hours of work... It definitely is not my usual style. The necklace is made of about a ton (ok, maybe just a kilo) of onyx chips and white pearls.

sâmbătă, 12 iunie 2010

MOD style


In momentul in care am citit titlul concursului "Stilul MOD" trebuie sa recunosc ca am ramas destul de... gura-casca. Dupa o explorare a internetului (multumesc Cristina pentru ca m-ai provocat sa invat ceva nou!) o imagine mi-a ramas in primul rand in minte. Nu stiu daca va amintiti seria jandarmilor cu Louis de Funnes. Acesta avea o fata... frumusica, subtirica si destul de a naibii... iar fata avea niste rochii extrem de mini si extrem de colorate. Culori puternice, forme geometrice clare, rochii mini... si putin din soarele din Saint Tropez: in acel moment plasez eu stilul MOD.

Din pacate, desi am realizat acest colier pentru acel concurs, nu am apucat sa il termin la timp. Colierul este realizat din patrate si hexagoane tesute din margele de nisip dupa modelul din cartea Dianei Fitzgerald (Shaped Beadwork), si din agate (mov, portocaliu, verde lamaie) de o forma extrem de speciala valurita. Deoarece formele geometrice sunt tesute in doua straturi, ele sunt relativ rigide, isi pastreaza forma fara nici o problema.


When I read the title of a bead competition here "MOD style" I was quite flabbergasted. After some net explorations, there was one image that mainly stuck to my mind. I don't know if you remember the gendarmes movies with Louis de Funnes. He had a daughter in them... pretty, thin and always causing troubles. And the daughter had some tiny very colourful dresses. Strong colours, clear shapes, mini dresses... and a little bit of the Saint Tropez sun. That's how I see the MOD style.

Unfortunately, even though I was planning to make this necklace for that competition, I couldn't finish it in time. The necklace is made of squares and hexagons beaded out of seed beads using a pattern from Diane Fitzgerald's book (Shaped Beadwork), and agates (light purple, orange and lemon green) with a nice wavy shape. As the beaded shapes are made in 2 layers, they are quite solid, have no problem in keeping their shape.

luni, 7 iunie 2010


Colierul meu cu "pene" de paun a castigat concursul (aici: http://designerdebijuterii.forumup.com/viewtopic.php?t=648&start=60&mforum=designerdebijuterii ) asa ca acum pot sa ma "impaunez" si cu o frumoasa diploma! De designer! Nu arata super?! :-)