"Light as a breeze" este titlul unui cantec al lui Leonard Cohen. Atunci cand am avut norocul sa castig concursul de pe Etsy Beadweavers acum doua luni, am ales aceasta ca tema a concursului pentru luna aprilie, pentru ca tot ce este important pentru mine trebuie sa aiba si un pic de Cohen. ;-) Dar pentru ca acesta este un cantec misterios si dificil, contradictoriu si seducator, nu am indraznit sa fac nici o referinta la versurile propriu-zise, si am dat acestei fraze doar intelesul primei adieri blande de primavara.
Asa ca mi-am dorit ca acesta sa fie un colier delicat si floral. Am avut insa surpriza sa descopar in timp ce il realizam ca incepe sa semene cu un colier de mireasa-descoperire care, intr-un fel, m-a nelinistit. Ca femei, suntem educate de mici sa visam la ziua nuntii si la rochia de printesa. Poate de aceea (desi imi plac rochiile), nu sunt chiar o mare amatoare de nunti. Sunt un moment asteptat cu mult prea mult. Prefer sa imi imaginez momentul unei dimineti in care deschizi ochii alaturi de cel pe care il iubesti, intr-o lumina perfecta, coplesitoare care dizolva conturul fiecarui obiect intr-un inceput de vis, si esti pentru prima data sigura ca acolo vrei intr-adevar sa fii. De aceea am denumit acest colier "Prima dimineata".
"Light as a breeze" is the title of a Leonard Cohen song. When I was lucky enough to win the monthly Etsy challenge two months ago, I chose this as the theme of the April competition, because everything that is important for me must have a little bit of Cohen in it. ;-) But since this is a mysterious and difficult song, seductive as well as contradictory, I didn't dare to make any reference to its real words and I prefered to interpret the title just as a reference to spring and the first warm gentle breeze.
As a consequence, I wanted this to be a delicate and floral necklace. But I had to surprise to find out while I was making it that it starts to look like a bridal necklace; a slightly unsettling discovery. As women, we are educated since childhood to dream about the wedding day and the princess gown. Maybe that's why (even though I love the dresses) I'm not exactly a fan of weddings. They are a moment that is just expected and planned for way too much. I prefer to imagine the moment when you open your eyes one morning next to the loved one, under a perfect, overwhelming light that dissolves the contours of every object into a dream, and you are for the first time absolutely certain that is the place where you have to be. This is why I called this necklace "First morning".
If you want to see more entrances for this challenge, go to ww.etsy.com and type in "ebwc" (that will only work this month, obviously!) And, much to my surprise, there is actually someone who guessed my hidden intentions and made a necklace using Cohen's song. Check this out: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=43917790