Acest colier este reciclat din doua puncte de vedere. In primul rand, si-a inceput viata precum colierul din prima imagine. Nu am fost multumita de el (prea simplu pentru gusturile mele!), l-am desfacut, a zacut vreo 3 ani prin sertarele mele... si in cele din urma ieri a reinviat in forma de "Carnaval", colierul din cea de-a doua imagine. Nu e prima data cand mi se intampla (din pacate, si sertarele cu bijuterii "decedate" sau macar in asteptare sunt pline).
In al doilea rand, e reciclat in privinta materialelor. Ghiciti de unde provin inelele de lemn? Dintr-un magazin homecenter... erau candva niste (frumoase) inele de perdele. Singura exceptie e inelul mai mare din centru; acela a fost un cercel. Am mai adaugat si materiale ceva mai pretioase (margele de Murano si margele de nisip japoneze), si ceva mai obisnuite (margele de plastic), dar cred ca pana la urma... se potrivesc.
This necklace is double-recycled. In the first place, it started life as the necklace in the first image. I didn't like it (too simple for me!), I undid it, it layed for about 3 years untouched in my drawers... and finally yesterday it came back to life in the shape of the second necklace (called "Carnival"). It's not the first time when this recycling process happens to me (unfortunately, more than redone necklaces I have "killed" ones that are still waiting for me).
In the second place, it is recycled regarding the materials. Guess where the wooden rings come from? Well, they were once some (beautiful) curtain rings from a homecenter shop. The larger wooden ring in the center used to be an earring. I also added more precious materials, as Murano glass beads and japanese seed beads, but also ordinary ones (various plastic beads). Finally, I think they match.