Imi doresc de multa vreme sa realizez floarea care alcatuieste centrul acestui colier (model de pe www.beadinfinitum.com), dar nu am avut niciodata cele 5 feluri de margele-picatura cehesti necesare. In sfarsit, am facut rost de ele, am fost teribil de incantata si... ce urma sa fac cu floarea?! A zacut pe masa mea vreo doua saptamani pana cand intr-un acces de inspiratie intr-o seara am adunat tot ce am gasit roz si verde si alb prin sertare: perle, margele roz tip ochi-de-pisica, scoici de forma neregulata sau in forma de picaturi. Si rezultatul este un colier care pare atins de magia primaverii...
I've been wishing for a long time to make the flower in the center of this necklace (from www.beadinfinitum.com), but I never owned the 5 types of czech drop beads necessary for it. Finally I ordered and got them, I was terribly pleased, and... what was I going to do with that flower?! It laid on my table abandoned for about 2 weeks until I had a sudden moment of inspiration and got out everything I could find pink and green and white in my drawers: pearl, pink beads looking like cat-eyes, seashells shaped liked tears or green and irregular. And the result is a necklace kissed by the magic of spring...