joi, 12 martie 2015

Hope - necklace with pendant

"To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go.
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star"...
I think that's what hope is; maybe it's a star that can't be reached, maybe it has no reason whatsoever, but without its light, how else to bear living in all that darkness?

sâmbătă, 7 martie 2015

Tenderness necklace

"Tenderness" necklace
For me, tenderness is a kind of magic. It changes my world from a place where I curl down in fear, pushed and hurt by thorns and cruelty all around, into a place where I can breathe and laugh and stretch my arms, stretch my soul to embrace the entire world - and I do it with courage, because I know there it's warm and safe to be myself. I miss tenderness and the happiness of just not to hurt.
And this necklace is called "tenderness" because maybe spring is a kind of embrace, too.

Pentru mine, tandretea este un fel de magie. Schimba lumea dintr-un loc in care ma ghemuiesc speriata, impinsa si intepata de nenumarate frici si cruzimi peste tot in jur, intr-un loc in care pot respira si rade si-mi intinde bratele, imi pot intinde sufletul sa imbratiseze lumea - si o fac cu curaj, pentru ca stiu ca este cald si sunt in siguranta sa fiu eu insami. Mi-e dor de tandrete si de fericire.
So colierul acesta este denumit "tandrete" pentru ca si primavara este un fel de imbratisare.

miercuri, 18 ianuarie 2012

Black is beautiful

Well, the title of this post is actually a bit of an irony, because I'm a huge colour lover and quite anti-black myself. It was a self-challenge moment, I guess.

joi, 12 ianuarie 2012

Chained Valentine

Finally I managed to use that chain! Took a lot of tries though.
The flower is inspired from a model on beadinfinitum.

vineri, 6 ianuarie 2012

Stories of the street

Dark elegance

O incercare de a fi ceva mai simpla... intr-un mod complicat, bineinteles!

luni, 23 august 2010

Boboci de primavara


Imi doresc de multa vreme sa realizez floarea care alcatuieste centrul acestui colier (model de pe, dar nu am avut niciodata cele 5 feluri de margele-picatura cehesti necesare.  In sfarsit, am facut rost de ele, am fost teribil de incantata si... ce urma sa fac cu floarea?! A zacut pe masa mea vreo doua saptamani pana cand intr-un acces de inspiratie intr-o seara am adunat tot ce am gasit roz si verde si alb prin sertare: perle, margele roz tip ochi-de-pisica, scoici de forma neregulata sau in forma de picaturi. Si rezultatul este un colier care pare atins de magia primaverii...


I've been wishing for a long time to make the flower in the center of this necklace (from, but I never owned the 5 types of czech drop beads necessary for it. Finally I ordered and got them, I was terribly pleased, and... what was I going to do with that flower?! It laid on my table abandoned for about 2 weeks until I had a sudden moment of inspiration and got out everything I could find pink and green and white in my drawers: pearl, pink beads looking like cat-eyes, seashells shaped liked tears or green and irregular. And the result is a necklace kissed by the magic of spring...